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I survived an encounter with a psychopath, and I will never be the same. Those of us who can relate to that statement know that being targeted...
I never doubted the fan club, I knew it was always there. Psychopaths, sociopaths, and narcissists are professionals at charming the pants off of...
So often during this recovery process, I have been told by others—those who have been targeted by sociopaths and those who have not—that it does...
When they're cornered, emotional abusers, sociopaths, and other cowards will always return to their signature line: "I can't help the way I am,...
This topic comes from the Psychopath Free book, which is available on Amazon! Also now in Barnes & Noble stores everywhere. Relationships with...
“Everyone lies”, “nobody is perfect”, “everyone makes mistakes”... These are common refrains of the narcissistic psychopath. So how does one...
The silent treatment is a brutal form of abuse—one that pins you against your own mind. You declare war on your intuition and everything that you...
From the Psychopath Free book, now available in Barnes & Noble stores everywhere and online at: http://Book.PsychopathFree.com In nearly every...
From the book: http://book.psychopathfree.com Psychopaths, narcissists, and sociopaths are experts at flattery & charm. Although it feels amazing...
There are three main characters in a psychopath's love triangle. Each with very specific masks they must apply: 1) You: Unlike the normal shame...
I read the first four books of the Harry Potter series in 2001, when I was 22. At the time, I was an aspiring teacher, and I thought it would be...
From the book: http://book.psychopathfree.com After the breakup and triangulation, psychopaths feel an immense amount of superiority. This is...
This topic comes from the Psychopath Free book, which is available on Amazon! Like sandpaper, the psychopath will wear away at your self-esteem...
According to the experts, sociopaths experience "shallow" emotions. This means that virtually all of their emotions are fleeting, if they have...
From the Psychopath Free book, now available in Barnes & Noble stores everywhere and online at: http://book.psychopathfree.com There are a lot of...
The Psychopath Free book is now available in Barnes & Noble stores everywhere and online at: http://Book.PsychopathFree.com “The psychopath...
This article comes directly from a conversation I had with a dear friend, so it may feel a bit personal at times. I’ve done my best to edit it to...
From the Psychopath Free book, now available in Barnes & Noble stores everywhere and online at: http://Book.PsychopathFree.com To draw you...
I’d like to extend a special warning to those of you who are new to recovery. After psychopathic abuse, you’re going to be extremely raw and...
Psychopaths are constantly comparing us to others, especially their exes and past sources of supply. It can be quite flattering at first. We're so...