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One of the amazing things about recovery is that we're all united by a common experience that allows us to validate & heal together. Because of...
Wow! I just noticed my No Contact counter changed to 11 months. I can't believe it!!! 11 months ago I was in excruciating pain. I'd be here on...
I was cleaning up some old files today, and found this letter I wrote to myself sometime back. I was having a hard time with self-forgiveness,...
People sharing children with a psychopath, sociopath, or narcissist ask when the abuse will end? I wanted to share some thoughts with all the...
A man was walking down the street one day when he happened upon a tattered and half dead rosebush laying by the trash. He could tell the rose was...
Sometimes, evil does not translate into violence or murder. Sometimes, evil can be difficult to detect. It can be masked by charm and flattery,...
If you're researching psychopathy, sociopathy, and narcissism, chances are, you've also come across this term called codependency. So what exactly...
I'm so excited to announce that Whole Again is now published! You can find it today on Amazon (Paperback and Kindle):...
We've all been there. Through a lucky Google search, you come across your first few articles about psychopathy and everything starts to fall into...
During recovery you may notice a lot of things going on. You may even notice a stronger degree of sensitivity to certain events and people around...
All survivors of psychopathic evil know how extremely difficult it is to cut ties with a psychopath. And then once no contact is established,...
At the close of a psychopathic relationship, the survivor is left in mind numbing pain and a low self worth. During the relationship, boundaries...
Anger is usually perceived as a "bad" emotion. You may have been taught not to talk about it or even acknowledge it. You may have been taught to...
I survived an encounter with a psychopath, and I will never be the same. Those of us who can relate to that statement know that being targeted...
Something clicked with me this morning, and I want to share it, in the hopes it will help someone out there, dealing with the "what if's."...
The classic victim blaming example goes something like this: A guy leaves his car unlocked in a parking lot. While he's shopping, a thief steals...
Since first joining PF I have noticed just how many people, including me, suffer strange illnesses and infections which seem to be related to...
I do not hate you. I did though. For a long time I hated you, some of that time was when we were together. I loathed you. When I discovered the...
As I look back, I realize that the psychopath went out of his way to define me in disparaging ways. It wasn't only that he tried to insult me on...
:eyeroll:I hope the title of this article got your attention. I want to share an experience I had during the devalue & discard (D&D) stage of my...